Faculty Vision:
Faculty of art education –Minia university wants to be specialist superior academic educational association in both fields art and art education ,according to the quality criterion it wants also to support the collective work and focusing on renewal, innovation and developing its members ,it is should to be expert house and consultation to the society and partnership fields through educational system with high quality ensures specialists graduated qualified to the work in different stages of the academic and general education and in several society associations which related to specialization .
<br><a href="https://www.minia.edu.eg/artedu/EHome.aspx "nofollow">Artedu Faculty</a><br>
Faculty of art education –Minia university wants to be specialist superior academic educational association in both fields art and art education ,according to the quality criterion it wants also to support the collective work and focusing on renewal, innovation and developing its members ,it is should to be expert house and consultation to the society and partnership fields through educational system with high quality ensures specialists graduated qualified to the work in different stages of the academic and general education and in several society associations which related to specialization .
<br><a href="https://www.minia.edu.eg/artedu/EHome.aspx "nofollow">Artedu Faculty</a><br>